
All of our cookouts and parties start with horses and wagons.

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Brett presently has nine draft horses: Abby, Gail, Maude, Molly, Trixie, Stella,  Lilly, Jake and Roxie. (Abby, Gail, Maude, Molly, Trixie, Stella and Lilly are  sisters.) They were born on a small farm in Minnesota. All of Brett's horses are Registered North American Spotted* Draft Horses. (for more information, visit the NASDHA webpage!)
*"Spotted" is also referred to as "paint" or "painted" or "pinto".  Spotted Draft Horses are rare.  Major Draft breeds are Percheron, Belgian, Clydesdale and the Shires.  Abby and Gail weigh 1800 pounds each, wear a number 5 shoe and stand 16.3 hands high.

All good driving horses know their own names and respond to 
rein pressure and voice commands such as "giddyup" or "get-up" for go/start, "whoa" for stop, "gee" 
for turn right and "haw" for turn left.

Our modern concept of a "team" and many of our words describing relationships come from driving horses in harness.  Consider "getting hitched" or "pulling together" and "working like a team".  Whether you have 2, 4, 6, or 8 horses in a team, they must all "pull their share," especially if the load is difficult or heavy.  Teamwork is essential.

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Brett makes all of his fancy chrome spotted harnesses and other leather tack in his well-equipped    barn and  tack room.

Call Brett for reservations @ (480) 515-3746
or FAX @ (480) 585-8024